Brian & Val Davie


Marcus Hill, VIC

Brain and Val Davie – with management assistance from Paul Whinney, run 500 acres at Marcus Hill, overlooking Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff on the beautiful Bellarine Peninsula.
With a rainfall of 550 – 600 mm predominantly in the winter/ spring, summer thunderstorms and autumns are ‘variable’ .
Carlyle cattle have a moderate cow size and place an emphasis on bull fertility and easy calving traits, with high eye muscle area and marbling. Good temperament is important and a reason why bulls from Te Mania Angus are chosen.
The herd is spring calving, with heifers joined 2-3 weeks prior to cows to allow a good recovery from the first calving, with a 6-7 week calving period.
Calves are yard weaned in mob lots for seven days in late summer /early autumn depending on feed conditions and cow condition score.
Steers find a ready market in winter, with last year’s calves being sold direct from the paddock to Rangers Valley. Surplus heifer calves are also sold with last year’s heifers going to a large western district herd. Older joined cows have high demand on AuctionsPlus.
Recent stand out team lease bulls have been sons of Te Mania Berkley B1 and Te Mania Garth G67, leaving their mark on the herd.
Brian and Val both enjoy the communication and support of being part of the Team Te Mania network, with annual seminars and bull selection days a highlight.

  • Team Te Mania member since 2001
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