Pure Te Mania Angus Cows – on AuctionsPlus this week

Excellent quality, proven Angus females from Team Te Mania Progeny Test herd, Duncan Clowes, Valdemar, Millthorpe, NSW.

31 Head K Drop, rising 3 years, Cows, PTIC.
ACR Recorded, J Bas 6 accredited.  Breedplan figures available on request. PTIC to Te Mania VTM J275 to commence calving April 2018 Video Link.  Average Weight: Cows: 665 kg Full (544 – 788 kg) Asking price: $2,200 + GST

16 Head 4-6 Years, PTIC and 19 Head  7-10 Years, PTIC
ACR Recorded, J Bas 6 accredited.  Breedplan figures available on request. PTIC to Te Mania VTM J930.    Joined 27/06/17 to 17/08/17 Video Link: Average Weight: Cows: 694 kg Full (580 – 834 kg).  Large to very large frame cows. Asking price: $2,000 + GST

The Valdemar herd of 700 breeders, is based on cows purchased directly from Te Mania Angus.  It is a highly regarded herd is focused on high performance and marbling, and is a long time supplier to Rangers Valley Feedlot.

Pregnancy test certificate available Note: All Heifer progeny would be eligible to upgrade for the Category 1 export market. Location: Millthorpe ,Nsw

Enquiries phone Chris Callow – 0429 497 166

Older Autumn calving cows

K drop, rising 3 years Cows

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