Progeny out of proven, high marbling, high performance bulls will set you apart from the rest and increase your ability to be a price maker, not a price taker.
Feedlots and other high end cattle buyers, pay a premium price for progeny they know will perform for them. They do this because it improves their bottom line. Buying a bull to put over your cows with performance figures that suit a feedlots specifications, lifts the genetic profile of your herd and increases your chances of obtaining a premium price.
This is why we have been scanning our cattle every year for almost 30 years.
We ultrasound scan all our yearlings for eye muscle area (EMA), Rib and Rump fat and intramuscular fat (IMF%). Live animal ultrasound scanning is non-invasive and allows us to assess the carcase merit of all our animals whilst they are alive.
All of this data is sent for Breedplan analysis to give us the information we need to select the most outstanding animals in our herd. These high performance animals are then made available to our clients to enable them to increase their profitability by meeting premium target markets.
Pictured is Liam Cardile from LRC Livestock Services, scanning all our yearling bulls and heifers this week at Mortlake, with Merrang Farm Manager Sam Reid.
400 day weights and scrotal circumference measurements of the bulls are also taken at this time. We do our scrotal measurements this early to increase the pressure on our bulls fertility.