Knewleave, Drysdale, Victoria are offering 14 Cows with Calves at foot (pictured) – sold Nov 1, 2017
Pure Te Mania Angus cows with calves at foot are available for private sale from Team Te Mania herds Toolong at Woolsthorpe and Knewleave at Drysdale.
The cows are all ACR registered (Angus Commercial Register), with full pedigrees and Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) available. They are EU and JBas 7 accredited.
Both herds have been on Te Mania Angus bloodlines since 1995, and are part of the Team Te Mania progeny test group. Their cattle are highly regarded by feedlots and backgrounders for high marbling and performance.
Toolong, Woolsthorpe, Victoria are offering 56 Cows with Calves at foot – STOP PRESS: Toolong cows have sold Oct 27, 2017