Te Mania Angus have been trialling and testing the key breeding drivers of structure, fertility, calving ease, growth, carcase and temperament for 40+ years, and the results are showing that the bloodline is right on track with more than three times the number of trait leaders than the next best performing herd.
Since the year 2000, almost 45,000 individual scanning records for fat depth, IMF% and EMA, and 5,500 carcase records of Te Mania Angus progeny have been submitted to Breedplan. The evaluation of this data enables Breedplan to assess the profit drivers in commercial beef production.
This unwavering breeding focus, supported by dedicated performance recording, underpins the Te Mania Angus brand which is shared with clients. They are producing outstanding commercial female lines, and steers which excel in the paddock, through backgrounding and at the feedlots.
Te Mania Angus bloodlines are regularly bringing the top prices – from stud sales to saleyards – and they are actively sourced by major feedlotters for their profitable traits.
Right along the food chain, from paddock to the processor and eventually the consumer, the focus is on breeding better and more efficient beef genetics, which ultimately pays dividends for everyone.
The Te Mania Angus female herd is independently assessed for structure and temperament. The cow herd is run under intensive commercial grazing conditions, in mobs of 600. All females must calve at two years of age, unassisted, and then get back in calf again every year.
The 9th Te Mania Angus Northern Spring bull sale at Walgett on August 11th, features 111 sons of some of the most proven and high performance sires in Australia :
- GAR Twinhearts – #1 sire recorded in Australia for Heavy Grass $Index and Domestic $Index
- Te Mania Berkley B1 – #1 sire for Heavy Grain $Index and #2 sire for Angus Breeding Index
- Te Mania Gaskin G555 – #1 sire for Carcase IMF%
- Tuwharetoa Regent D145 – #1 proven sire in Australia with 5,946 progeny analysed
The bull sale is with Auctionsplus, with settling agents Clemson Hiscox from Walgett operating the sale.
Sale catalogue and full sale details